*The picture is for reference only, and the specific plan shall prevail.
Automatic Sorting System
Automatic Sorting System
*The picture is for reference only, and the specific plan shall prevail.
*The picture is for reference only, and the specific plan shall prevail.
Automatic Sorting System
Automatic Sorting System
Automatic Sorting System
Automatic Sorting System
Automatic Sorting System
The automatic sorting system used in hospital PIVAS (Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Services) can effectively improve the accuracy of drug dispensing, reduce work intensity, increase work  efficiency, ensure medication safety, and enhance pharmaceutical  services and hospital management.

Product Features

Ergonomic, lightweight system with stable structure

The system has a compact structure, light  weight, good stability with fully considerations of the requirements of ergonomics

17-inch touchscreen, double-layered design for 40 sorting positions

Equipped with a 17 inch touch screen, the equipment is a double layered structure with a long strip shape and a single set of equipment does not require any expansion to meet no less than 40 fixed sorting positions

Manual and automatic control options

There are manual and automatic electrical  control methods available for users to choose from

UV disinfection for reduced contamination

Standard UV disinfection device to reduce drug contamination

Real-time monitoring of dispensing system components and infusion products

Real time monitoring of the operation of various components of the dispensing system, real-time monitoring of infusion  product information, including batch number information of drugs, sorted prescription information, and unsorted prescription information

Horizontal transport of medicine with no jamming

Each bag of medicine is transported  horizontally in a single layer through physical separation ensuring no abnormalities such  as material jamming in sorting process. When the conveyor belt and other conveying parts  work abnormally, an alarm will be prompted

Alarm for abnormal conveyor operation

The equipment sorting module is composed of 10 circular robotic arms. A single circular robotic arm supports sorting of four sorting bins on both sides, with upper and lower  layers. The conveyor belt is equipped with  anti slip devices


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Automatic Sorting System HOH-FJ-40

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